Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Online Marketing

Online Marketing is a marketing communication activities using the Internet media. At first using the static pages of HTML format that can be accessed by Internet users. That was the beginning of the website which then became a kind of 'online brochure' and even 'second office' for companies to show their identity to the world.

In online marketing development not only use media websites, but also email and other applications that run on top of the Internet protocol.

As part of its marketing activities using the Internet media, online advertising (advertising on the Internet) to the study of interest to marketers in particular and the general business world.

What is advertising on the Internet?
Initially, the Internet advertising in the media is to move the material which has been running ads in the mainstream media (television, magazines, newspapers) to the website. But in its development, utilization characteristics of the Internet media can maximize the results obtained through advertising activities on the Internet. This makes the media the Internet is now used as part of the marketing mix (marketing mix) with different approaches according to the characteristics of the media and the target audience to be achieved.

Activities prevalent in the Internet advertising in the media is put banner (banner ad). But the communication demands of an increasingly complex marketing is not enough just that way. It takes strategy, creativity and accurate measurement and mengkonvergensikan possibilities. For example, using a viral strategy through email marketing, developing product-specific site separate from the corporate site, webtorial design pages, create advert-gaming, compatibly with mobile marketing, online surveys / polls and other strategies.

In addition to advertising activities above, there are also advertising techniques that are cheaper and efficient, using search engines (Search Engine Otimization). With SEO, the website will be easily found on search engines and the higher the possibility to visit because of the current 80% of Internet users search for data by using search engines as the initial base searches.

There are many other possibilities in the development of advertising on the Internet. Together online marketing consultant, you will be ready to achieve your online markerting campaign with an approach that effectively and efficiently.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tetapkan Tujuan Hidup

Ditulis oleh: Anne Ahira

"Without goals, and plans to reach them, you are
like a ship that sail with no destination" --
(Fritzhugh Dodson)

Itulah perumpamaan bagi orang yang tidak punya
tujuan dalam hidupnya.

Banyak orang melakoni perannya, tapi tidak tahu
arah hidup yang ingin ditujunya. Mereka-reka hidup
adalah apa yang kemudian dilakukannya.

Bila sesuatu hal buruk terjadi, mereka akan berdalih
nasib tak berpihak padanya.

Tidak jarang seseorang baru menyadari tujuan
hidupnya pada usia tua. Sangat disayangkan memang.

Seringkali orang tidak berani melakukan perubahan
dalam hidupnya. Dia hanya menunggu, dan menunggu
adanya perubahan tersebut... hingga akhirnya tujuan
hidupnya tidak tercapai!

Sebenarnya, tidak masalah jika kita harus mengubah
tujuan hidup beberapa kali. Hal yg terpenting adalah
setiap saat kita mempunyai tujuan hidup yang ingin

Setidaknya kita tahu ke mana kita akan berjalan dan
strategi apa yang harus diambil.

4 Cara Yang Bisa Anda Pakai Untuk Menetapkan
Tujuan Hidup:
1. Apa sebenarnya keinginan Anda?

Tanyakan pada hati nurani, apa sebenarnya
keinginan Anda untuk beberapa tahun ke depan?

Tidak ada salahnya Anda bermimpi. Anda
tidak perlu malu mengakuinya, lagipula, tokh tidak
ada biaya yang harus Anda keluarkan untuk
sekedar bermimpi. ;-)
2. Kumpulkan informasi.

Dengan mengumpulkan informasi, Anda
bisa lebih mudah mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan.

Jika ada orang lain yang sudah berhasil melakukan
yang Anda inginkan, belajarlah dari mereka.
Lakukan apa yang mereka kerjakan!
3. Jangan diam.

Lakukan sesuatu dan secara terus menerus yang akan
membawa Anda pada impian hidup yang diinginkan!
4. Tingkatkan kemampuan

Jika ada cara yang Anda lakukan terbukti efektif
dan mendekatkan pada tujuan yang ingin dicapai,
maka alangkah baiknya jika Anda berusaha untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan dan menambah kecepatan
kinerja agar tujuan hidup Anda lebih cepat tercapai.

Jika keempat hal di atas Anda lakukan secara terus
menerus tanpa lelah dan bosan, Insya-Allah Anda
akan mendapatkan tujuan hidup yang diinginkan.

Anda ibaratnya adalah seorang 'pemahat' atas
gambaran kehidupan Anda sendiri. Dan seorang
pemahat yang baik akan selalu memiliki 'planning'
terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan hasil yang

Dalam hal ini, Anda pun hanya bisa sebesar dan
sebahagia sebagaimana tujuan yang telah Anda
tentukan. Oleh sebab itu, pahatlah diri Anda

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Pengen aktivitas sosial kamu di friendster atau facebook dibayar??? Apakah kamu mulai bosan dengan friendster?? Bergabung bersama mypage5 dan mulai bertemu teman dan dapatkan penghasilan untuk setiap aktivitas yang kamu lakukan.

Sama seperti Facebook, Kamu bisa membuat profil online pribadi, menambah daftar teman, dan membuat album foto. Bukan hanya itu, Kamu juga dapat bergabung dengan grup-grup yang sesuai dengan hobi dan berinteraksi dengan member lainnya yang mempunyai minat dan hobi yang sama. MyPage 5 juga menyediakan fasilitas untuk mengupload MP3 tunes dan video.

Salah satu fitur yang paling menarik adalah blog yang isinya berasal dari sesama member MyPage 5. Dijamin setiap kali Kamu menulis blog akan mendapat banyak komentar dari member lainnya, apalagi jika judul dan isinya menarik. Nah, satu hal lagi yang menarik adalah MyPage 5 akan membayar setiap aktivitas dari anggotanya, jadi Kamu akan dibayar setiap melakukkan aktivitas seperti memberikkan komentar, upload foto, dan lainnya.

Jadi, tunggu apalagi.. segera daftar MyPage 5 ayuk

Untuk mendaftar silahakan klik disini

Ingat saat mendaftar langsung upload photo karena kamu akan mendapatkan bonus $5. Isi profile kamu, (sebaiknya data yang dibuat benar dan sesuai) Add friend sebanyak-banyaknya serta aktiflah di mypage5.

Berikut beberapa hal yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk memaksimalkan pendapatan di mypage5:

1. Upload 5 video setiap hari ($0.75)

2. Buat 4 posting blog setiap hari ($0.4)

3. Beri 10 komment di blog setiap hari ($0.2)

4. Post 10 classified (sejenis iklan) setiap hari ($1)

5. Beri 5 komentar di group setiap hari ($0.1)

6. Posting 10 komentar ke profile teman setiap hari ($0.2) Ingat hanya dibolehkan post 10 komentar saja sehari, jangan samakan dengan friendster yang bebas mengisi komentar!!!

7. Upload 400 photo ($8), usahakan photo sendiri dan teman2 karena dilarang mengupload foto yang ada hak ciptanya, jangan upload nude picture, sudah ada yang dibanned gara-gara ini!!!

8. Ajak teman ($1/orang). Ajak teman sebanyak2 nya untuk bergabung karena kamu akan dapat bonus $1 per orang yang bergabung.

9. Seringlah melihat profile teman anda, jangan lupa tinggalkan message (jangan koment karena maksimal kita 10 komen sehari) yang berisi bahwa kamu telah mengunjungi profilnya dan ingin dia mengunjungi balik profil kamu, untuk setiap profil kita dibuka dapet $0.01, kalau sehari 100x profil kita dilihat maka kita bisa dapet $1.

Waktu yang berlaku dimulai pukul 07.00 WIB

Pembayaran melalui paypal, dengan minimum payout $50

Ingat jangan berbuat curang karena kamu bisa dibanned, juga agar situs ini tetap bisa berjalan dan terus membayar membernya.

Selamat bergabung bersama mypage5 dan dapatkan pembayaran untuk aktivitas sosial yang biasa kamu lakukan di friendster atau facebook.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

me and me

xi.xi.xi..Narsis Ach..!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

relaxation with ethnical songs

only to eliminate fatigue, let's fun...!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

10 Tips for husband and wife

There are 10 things that can be made to maintain the atmosphere of the honeymoon between husband and wife

1. Do not be too often criticize. You should understand the psychology of your spouse. For example men generally like to feel self-important, like the celebrated and encouraged. In this case, many women who made a fatal mistake. Husband not take precedence in the family, even underestimated. Among psychiatrists, the wives of her husband's master yag said "castrating" her husband.
There is also a tendency for women who lack recognized by men. They usually want to feel safe, feel loved and considered part instrumental in the success achieved by her husband. They are also less likely to be considered
"mother" by her husband. Instead they just want to admire her, appreciate their strengths as a man.

2. If a fight, better choose the style discussions. But, if you feel like going to "explode", had better not talk about differences of opinion. Moreover, generally a disagreement between husband and wife only on matters of less importance.

3. In the conversation, should lament about the disease, accounts, bills and all sorts of concerns should not be repeated so that conversations can be more fun.

4. No easy tantrum, cursing or swearing. Stop it before already become a habit.

5. If an annoyance when you are overwhelmed with the vices of the couple, try to examine your own shortcomings.

6. If you heard the news, as there is to see your partner walking together with others (opposite sex), try not to follow a spontaneous impulse, that is suspicious or jealous.

7. Have fun, but with your partner. Without good time to be enjoyed together, marriage will seem bland.

8. If your partner's affair, dealing with the problem as you care for a child, husband or wife who is ill. Do not look for the gun, take medication to sleep, get drunk or get a divorce. Instead, go to a marriage counselor. Clearly, prevention is certainly the best and is much dependent on the wife. The problem in the family life she is "as" his wife who can realize the competition and tension that must be faced by the husband is usually a wife and full of gentle tolerance.

9. Marriage should be the joint effort, rather than the arena for competing influences seizure. More concerned with true love and consider the interests of their beloved ones.

10. lack skewer in sex, should be addressed. Generally lack this skewer comes to couples who fight constantly. Tend to frigid wife tends sadistic and fussy. Husband who is less successful in terms of sex is likely to be overwhelmed with a chronic disease that produces prolonged complaints. For days now, actually no reason for couples to not fit in terms of sex. Because the books on the scientific approach to sex that was plenty. After all, a psychiatrist if the problem is complex.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Excusitis self defense disease

self defense was a matter of course. What was unusual is when people do it to excess, to always argued for the things that matter. If it happens to you, be careful, because you might shunned friends and relatives.

Excusitis terms of a series of new words of excuse and "-itis". Yet the language of science is called neologisms (neologism).

In medical terms affix "-itis" is used to denote inflammation such as meningitis, neuritis, etc.. Thus, it is not right that the term "-itis" is used to denote abnormal favorite people looking for a reason. Be more precise disorder is called The disease of making excuses
(mal d'excuses).

People who find an excuse for its failure to some extent still be acceptable. Because this is a defense or difense mechanism (defense mechanism). Showed some degree psychological process for the achievement of a balance and maturity of one's soul in order not to sink (mental breakdown).

In discussing this disorder we can not move from the review in terms of medical science cross-cultural spirit. Science is looking at the cultural aspect of what can affect and interact in the patient, causing a disturbance or disorder. For example there are groups of people who feel ashamed if something happens to them. For that we need effort, changing family structures in order to avoid the shame is greater. For example, by driving one of the family.

Excusitis disorders health, intelligence, age, or fate, actually has the same features that look for reasons to be excused or accepted when there are deficiencies in the performance. Up to a certain extent, so as not to lose face, in general such people are still acceptable (Permissible). But, of course abnormal extent, need to be examined again.

Excusitis sufferers is not a loser, but more on efforts to find a reason to seek balance in mental constellation so as not vulnerable, or sunk. Once again, here showing a defense mechanism called behavioral science (the science of behavior).

Evasion (avoidance) is allowed in certain psikolodinamika people so that they can survive. With these defense mechanisms people can resume their lives and the balance of his soul to live more peacefully and work in line with expectations on him.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Link Exchange

my online bussines

Key to Success

Social network


kesuksesan hidup

Menjala Hati

List Of Content

1). why women buttons mounted on left

2). excusitis self defense disease

3). 10 tips for husband and wife

4). relaxation with ethnical songs

5). me and me

6). mypage5

7). Tetapkan tujuan hidup

Why women buttons mounted on the left

Whereas male buttons on the right. It is said that once men and women are both wearing buttons sewn on the left sleeve. Then dizaman the Middle Ages, fashion clothing and fashion weapons contest open to men need to be used to coat a sword hanging on the left. Because the right hand to open the first button, the removal of the sword so slow.
In order to be fast, just move the buttons to the right, to be opened with the left hand. Right hand free to reach hilt.
Buttons actually being used for a long time. The archaeologists found the button that is used before people knew the writing. However, it was only popular in 1200 s, when another loose robe, the robe does not need buttons enough, enough belts or pinned with a pin
Today's buttons are made of plastic or metal, old age people wear shell buttons, glass, leather, pearls and even gold as the Greek four thousand years ago.
Bra we have grandmothers who wore buttons of gold and silver coins.
If we look at our coat, jacket or coat the husband of our fathers we will find a row of buttons installed at the wrist. What is the button for us ..? It was not there, except for decoration. However, once the button has a function.
When the King of Prussia Friderich Court ruled in the 1700 s, often told his troops to war. The king himself often went down to the field to inspect his troops.
He was very upset because his army uniform was very dirty, more dirty than other parts. "Why dirty ..?" he asked. It turned out that the soldiers used to sweep the sweat on his face with his sleeve.
"Put the metal buttons that place ...!!" orders. Soldiers who are still desperate to use the sleeve as a substitute for a face towel now sore because injuries.
in arm buttons were copied to the civil suit, but just for decoration, not to prevent the arms made cloth sweat suit.


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